Taming Worry and “What Ifs”
/Often anxiety comes not from what IS happening, but what we think MIGHT happen. It is so easy for our imagination to run away, thinking of all the things that could (but probably won’t) go wrong. That is why being purposeful in our thinking can have such a dramatic effect, reducing our anxiety in a matter of minutes. If you have a case of the “what ifs” the exercise in this article will help you tame it quickly.
Start by thinking of doing something that would make you anxious such as meeting new people, driving in heavy traffic, or giving a talk in front of a group.
When you think of doing that, how anxious are you on a scale of 0-10. Zero is no anxiety. 10 is the worst anxiety possible. Write down your number.
What is the worst thing that could happen?
Now notice your thoughts.
Notice the “what ifs” in your mind. Focus on the worst possible thing that could happen. Write down the worst thing that could happen.
How likely is it that the worst possible thing WILL happen? Of all the possible events how likely is that worst possible thing to take place? Give it a percentage from 1 to 100. Be realistic. Don’t go by how anxious you are, but about real world likelihood. For example, if you are afraid to cross the street because your cousin was hit by a bus crossing the street, how likely is it that you will be hit by a bus while crossing the street? When you consider how many people cross the street everyday without getting hit by a bus, the likelihood of getting hit by a bus is quite small. In your worst possible scenario, how likely is it to happen? Is there a 50% chance? An 80% chance? A less than 10% chance? Write down the percentage.
If the worst possible thing did happen, what would you do? How would you deal with it? Write it down. Be specific.
Notice your anxiety now. On a scale of zero to 10, how high is your anxiety now?
Did your anxiety change from the beginning of this exercise?
If there was a change, what caused it? No facts changed, only your thoughts. You thought realistically about the likelihood of your worst fear happening and you came up with a plan if it happens. For many people, this reduced their anxiety.
Take it with you. You can do this activity anywhere. Just remember...
What is the worst thing that might happen?
How likely is that to happen from 1 to 100%
What would I do if that happens?
For more information about anxiety and how we can help with it check out this page.
If you struggle with anxiety, we can help with that. You don’t have to just live with it. Call today. 832-534-3624
Trauma is not something wrong with you. It is something wrong with what happened to you. Click the image above to learn more about how I can help you overcome trauma.