How Can Therapy Help with Anxiety?

Therapy can help with anxiety in several ways. One way is through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. This form of therapy has helped many people overcome anxiety through learning to change their thinking patterns which in turn changes their physical and emotional responses to situations that cause anxiety. For example, if being in a crowded public place causes anxiety, we can identify thoughts that make you more anxious and replace them with thoughts that make you less anxious. Over time most people see an improvement in the levels of their anxiety. Another way to treat anxiety is to trace back how anxiety started for you. If we have an event that made us feel unsafe, such as getting lost in a busy mall as a child, by processing that memory anxiety can be treated, often much faster than with CBT. There are a couple of different ways to process these types of memories including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Do Anxiety Medications Really Work?

Yes, for many people medications such as SSRIs or benzodiazepines can be very effective in helping them manage anxiety. However, they do not cure anxiety, they only make the symptoms better. If you have been on anxiety medication and it has not been as effective as you would like, please consider therapy in addition to medication. Please do not quit taking medication without consulting your physician. A few sessions of therapy can give you skills that can reduce your symptoms immediately and create mental practices that will continue to help you improve even after you stop therapy.

How do I know if have anxiety? Are there different types of anxiety?

The video below describes some of the common types of anxiety. All of these, as well as some that are not included in the video,are treatable.

Are there different types of anxiety? There are five major types of anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder. This video was created by Psych2Go. You can find other video from Psych2Go on YouTube

Are phobias treatable? Is agoraphobia treatable?

Yes, phobias are treatable, including agoraphobia. Some of the same techniques that work on other anxiety issues also work on phobias, plus there are some that I have not described. Please give me a call to schedule a free 15 minute initial consultation if this interests you. 832-534-3624


Can I have therapy at home for agoraphobia?

Yes, I provide at therapy for agoraphobia from the comfort of your own home.

How can I get help for anxiety when I don’t want to leave my home?

I offer live video counseling in the comfort of your home. Free initial consultation.

How can I get help for agoraphobia when I don’t want to leave my home?

Online therapy offers you the opportunity to begin your healing journey today from the comfort of your own home. Call today. (832)534-3624