Virtual Games
The best site for virtual card games that I have found is So far my friends and I have created several games, plus I found a few on Reddit. I will be updating this page often with card and board games. Crazy 8s, Spoons, 3-13, UNO, Apples to Apples, Code Names, Clue and maybe more as we figure out more. To use the files first download the file. Next go to the website Scroll down and click the “Other/Custom” button. On the next screen click “Start Game” then “Enter”. Once in the card table, click the icon that looks like a toolbox on the left sidebar. A drawer will open at the bottom of the screen. Click “Room Options” then “Import from File”. Choose the file you downloaded and then click the toolbox icon to take you back to the playing screen. You can click where it says “Player 1” “Player 2” and change the names. The deal button under each card deck deals cards to the appropriate card holders. The white tray at the bottom holds your “hand” so that only you can see it. Send the table link to your friends so they can join you.
You know the game. There are spoons in the middle of the table. Everyone is passing around cards trying to get 4-of-a-kind first. Someone gets 4 and takes a spoon, then everyone grabs spoons until one person is left without a spoon. Ouch! For the online version we gave 2 points to the first person to take a spoon and one point to each other person to take a spoon. First to 10 points wins. Here’s a video How to Play Spoons Watch the video above to learn how to upload a file to your private table.
My friends and I love this game. If you’ve never played, it’s pretty easy to learn. Here’s a video and the rules. The first round has 3 cards, the 2nd round has 4 cards, the 3rd round has 5 cards, all the way up to 13 cards. Each round the wild cards are the same as the number of cards. If you have 6 cards in your hand, then 6’s are wild, etc. Watch the video above to learn how to upload a file to your private table.
Easy and fun for all ages. If you haven’t played in a while, here are the rules. I originally found this on Reddit and then added the score counters (below each player). The Reddit version has a marker that players pass around to keep track of whose turn it is. I haven’t found that necessary but left it in for those who might want it. There are 2 decks of cards so you can add more players. Watch the video above to learn how to upload a file to your private table.
This is one of the built in games on, but you have to manually deal. I put in some bells and whistles such as automatic dealing and score keeping. Watch the video above to learn how to upload one of the files below. Have fun!
Crazy 8s
This is the classic word version. I will be on the lookout for the picture version which is great with younger kids. Here are the rules. This table works for up to 6 players. You have to manually deal cards since the “judge” changes round to round and therefore a new card is not dealt to that player.
Apples to Apples
UPDATE: The designers of the box version of Codenames has created a virtual version that is way better than the first version I posted. I am leaving both versions but recommend the “official” version. This game is new to me. Here’s a video of how to play. There are 2 of each of the key cards so you can give one to each spy master. Deal the word cards one to each of the 25 spots. The outline color around the key indicates which team goes first. Try to discover all the codenames of your team before the other team.
The playingcards site comes with built in games such as checkers, chess, backgammon and cribbage. I have added Clue so far and more to come. It has a spinner instead of dice but otherwise works pretty much the same as the board game. Watch the video above to learn how to upload a file to your private table. The version of Monopoly I found requires two tables, so that the table isn’t so crowded that you can’t read the print.
Board Games
If you’re into dominoes, here’s a site where you can play Mexican Train with up to 4 people. It’s a little different in that you have to gather your players before you can get into the game table, but it is ad free! I haven’t tried it yet but sounds good as far as I could get without other players.
Mexican Train
No Equipment Required Games
As long as you know how to use a video platform nothing else is required for these games.
This is a simple game that can be played by all ages but with a group of adults I got multiple requests to play this one again and again. One person starts the game but calling an object. (pen, roll of toilet paper, book, salt shaker, etc). Everyone else rushes off to find that object and bring it back to the camera (no fair taking your device with you). First one back calls the next item.
Scavenger Hunt
Since Zoom has a built in whiteboard, you won’t need anything else to play this. Some groups may want to use pre-made lists for this (there are many online such as here and here) or you can pick a theme (songs, movies, books, television) and let each person choose their own item within that category to draw. Play as teams, using a timer, or play as one big group with the first person to guess drawing the next clue. Here’s a quick video for using the Zoom whiteboard feature.